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Standards for choosing artificial stone kitchen countertops

Artificial stone kitchen countertops are one of the most popular materials today thanks to their ability to be waterproof, scratch-resistant, stain-resistant, easy to clean, and available in many diverse designs. However, to choose the right artificial stone kitchen countertop, you need to pay attention to the following standards:

1. Size and thickness

The size and thickness of the artificial stone kitchen countertop will depend on the area and needs of the family. Normally, the height of the kitchen countertop will range from 81-86cm, the depth is 60-62cm, and the length depends on the kitchen area. Kitchen countertop thickness is usually from 20-30mm.

2. Stone color and grain

Stone color and grain are important factors that help create aesthetic beauty for kitchen countertops. You should choose the color and stone pattern that matches the overall design style of the kitchen as well as your family’s preferences.

3. Material

On the market today there are many different types of artificial stone, made from many different materials. Each type of stone will have its own advantages and disadvantages. You should learn carefully about the types of artificial stones before making a choice.

4. Brand

You should choose artificial stone kitchen countertops from reputable brands with clear origins. Products from reputable brands are often of good quality, highly durable and come with a full warranty.

5. Price

The price of artificial stone kitchen countertops depends on many factors such as stone type, brand, size, thickness, etc. You should consider your family’s needs and financial ability to choose. Choose the right product.

Here are some things to note when choosing artificial stone kitchen countertops:

Avoid choosing artificial stones with too bright colors or too elaborate stone patterns. These types of stones are often easily outdated after a period of use.

You should choose artificial stone with a thickness of 20mm or more. Stones with lower thickness will easily warp and crack when subjected to impact.

You should choose artificial stone that is waterproof, scratch-resistant, and stain-resistant. These types of stones are easy to clean and highly durable.

Above are the standards for choosing artificial stone kitchen countertops. Hopefully this information will help you choose the right product for your needs.

 – Maybe you want to see: Our best stone kitchen countertop products


The diverse styles of artificial stone kitchen countertops cater not only to functional needs but also offer distinctive aesthetic highlights for your cooking space. Depending on your home’s style and layout, you can leverage the benefits and beauty that artificial stone countertops bring.

If you need help, please contact us. We always appreciate it.

03 9113 0737 or CALL 0472 716 736